Casa De Maris


-Continuously improve our facility in environmental, social, cultural, economic, quality, human rights, health and safety issues,

-To ensure the reduction of waste and prevent waste through safe food production under the roof of our facility,

-To provide safe food by taking care of the healthy and balanced nutrition of our guests and employees,

-To adopt the elimination of all kinds of gender discrimination as a fundamental human right and to act in accordance with gender equality in all our activities towards all our employees and guests,

-Reducing water consumption per person by saving water,

-Reducing water consumption per person by saving energy,

-To take care that all our renewed equipment consists of materials that consume less energy and are environmentally friendly,

-To contribute to the healthy growth of the global economy, especially locally and nationally, in all activities of our facility,

-Following technological advances closely and making adaptation a principle,

-Creating a good Waste Plan in our facility and ensuring that our waste is disposed of by licensed companies,

-To inform our guests and employees in order to ensure the efficient use of our natural resources,

-Regularly sharing our sustainability practices with all our stakeholders in transparency,

-To constantly review and improve our sustainability performance.






You can review our Sustainability Report for more information.

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